So what is Love & Stones
It is all about love – dreams – and energies
The stones – and why the stones –they give, guide and get you your dream
(looks at me….)
so Love & Stones is a brand based on what we need in our everyday life to make us live a life we love..
The easiness in the clothe, the lifestyle pieces of peace in a pillow to the skincare that is all about love from nature.
So the stones…
It has been known for ever that crystals have healing powers, that they protect from bad energies, and bring peace in body, mind and soul!
It is all about the energy…
Us, the universe – and the stones.
The crystals, and the power they have, are already used everywhere. Fx inside watches, in computer, and iphones. Yes, we use the healing crystals energies, and properties, so much already in modern technology…. Even in medicine!
They work just like a magnet – they attract or give back. It is all about energy and the crystal stones work the same way.
So give your self a little time – time to think and reflect since what we hold in our hearts is so very important for how our life is lived…
Hold your crystal – or wear – close your eyes and set your intension of your dream…
Left hand
A wish – manifest
Right hand
Letting go – manifest
Now go get your dream!!!
The crystals have the ability to absorb, or remove, certain type energy from your body. Like the magnet the crystal can absorb negative energy from your body.
A crystal push energy into your body, mind & spirit the same way as electricity works (no it is not dangerous)
If your feel, or find, the balance in life or situations is a little off use your crystal to get the balance back in place based in its energies
Remember the power of your thoughts….
Since crystals can absorb, repel, and transmit energy wearing a crystal can help balance your energy field throughout the day – a little like taking vitamins… you eat the vitamin and nourish your body for the day – wearing crystals is like the vitamin just on an energetic level!
Our subconscious mind takes over when we sleep and it is the time for us to heal. The crystals will help with that, and work with you to do that. They will help eliminate any hurdles your mind might be fighting with or any fear or doubt in dreams.
We all know that nature is the greatest giver of all that is good.
With that in mind we have created our skincare line. To give it even more soothing re-generating power we give it crystals to add the energy to give us the peace, the power and the protection.
All our crystals in all we do, are cleaned and cleared of all past energies from the many hands, souls and thoughts that have touched the stones. They are ready for you, your dreams and your journey to find your peace, power & protection